Returns Policy
Before proceeding with any replacement or refund, we kindly ask that customers first provide details of the issue. To facilitate an accurate assessment, we require images of the concern, which will allow our workshop team to review the matter and propose appropriate solutions and available options
Damages Policy
Before agreeing to any replacement or refund due to damage we would ask to be advised of the issue asap. In addition, we would require images for our workshop team to see the problem and offer the best solution
Under the terms of our warranty, we would look to repair in the first instance, if this is not possible, we will then send out a new part/item, if this is not possible, we will then send out a new product
Example- If there is a split in an arm of a chair or bench, we would replace the arm not the whole chair/bench
Loan Furniture Policy
In the unlikely event loaned furniture should be required, once returned any damage will be chargeable.
Return of Goods Policy
Any damaged items or items which are not fit for purpose upon delivery which are returned to Alexander Rose will be inspected by our quality control team before any refunds or discounts are given.
Copyright Policy
By signing the Alexander Rose terms and conditions, the customer acknowledges and agrees that Alexander Rose reserves the right to use any images produced by the customer in its promotional and marketing materials.
Testimonial Policy
All our testimonials are provided by genuine customers and reflect their personal experiences. Please note that these testimonials are not representative of every buyer’s experience, and they should not be construed as a guarantee that all individuals will share the same perspective. All views expressed are subjective and unique to everyone.